Tuesday, May 5, 2009

from the heart...

after a clip from a radio show surfaced this week with david slade (eclipse director) bashing on twilight in november, fans automatically turned against him. he's now sent an email directly to the fans thru Twilight Lexicon to try to clear things up:

Dear Laura and Lori

I would be grateful if you could distribute this statement to the fans of Twilight:I would like to address some statements that I made regarding Twilight.

When I made these comments, I had neither seen the film nor read the books. I was promoting a comedy short film that I had made for Xbox and every pop culture subject was seen as a possible comedy target. I was being silly and none of the statements were from the heart.

Of course, I have since seen the movie and read the books and was quickly consumed with the rich storytelling and the beautifully honest characters that Stephenie Meyer created.

I would like to reassure everyone involved that I am invested in making the best film that I am humanly capable of, and that I am acutely aware of the power of the original books we serve.

Please be rest assured this statement is absolutely from the heart.

yours sincerely


what do you think? do you care? does it even matter? 


  1. i dont care what he says as long as the movie is well made. Eclipse is my fav so i hope he wont disappoint. haha even we make fun of the saga so i dont blame him.

  2. dear david slade,

    you've dug yourself into a hole. this better be the best film you've made your entire life, or your career is OVER. We'll make sure of that.

    The hugely influential and enjoying our power with reckless abandon Twi-tards
