source: NMM
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
about a million and one interviews/set visits came out yesterday, so i'm just going to out them all into one post for your reading pleasure.
interview with taylor lautner
interview with wyck godfrey (producer)
new moon one day set visit
interview with cameron bright
interview with rachelle lefevre
interview with taylor lautner
interview with melissa rosenberg
interview with taylor lautner
interview with wyck godfrey (producer)
new moon one day set visit
interview with cameron bright
interview with rachelle lefevre
interview with taylor lautner
interview with melissa rosenberg
new moon set visit
interview with jj makaro (stunt coodinator)
interview with melissa rosenberg
new moon set visit
interview with jj makaro (stunt coodinator)
interview with melissa rosenberg
new moon set visit
new moon set visist
source: RPU
jesus christ, edward cullen is HOT! click for larger version...kaycob: OME. amazing. read more...
interview with the volturi
three interviews with michael sheen, jamie campbell bower, and charlie bewley after the jump!
Michael Sheen on going from Lycan to Vampire in 'The Twilight Saga: New Moon'
Yes, it's true. It's entirely possible Michael Sheen hasn't given every secret about his role as Aro in "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" away on Twitter.
Well, maybe.
During our visit to the Vancouver set of "New Moon" last May, Sheen took a brief break to talk to the small cadre of journalists peeping around the soundstage including this intrepid writer. Last seen in a double bill of the Oscar-nominated "Frost/Nixon" and the genre flick "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans," Frost was in full Volturi regalia in what we discovered was only his second day of shooting. Saying it was great to be "thrown in the deep end" by arriving during the middle of production, Sheen had already shot a number of key scenes.
"The first day of filming we did the 18th century stuff and then one of the modern scenes," Sheen says. "It was a lot to deal with; the wig, and contact lenses all day and the make-up, but it was fantastic. These sets are amazing. And the look of everyone is so strong so it was great to just kind of get right into it straight away. "
Other actors purposely don't read the original source material for their big screen creations because they don't want to veer from the direction the screenwriter and director have laid out. I asked Sheen where he stood on the issue.
"Oh no, if I’m doing something that’s based on a book, then I’ll definitely read the book," Sheen says. "I look for anything that will give a little clue or something, a little help, a little hint… just things like that. Like one word that Stephenie uses in the book will kind of tee off my imagination."
Sheen has a much different approach to playing Aro than the human-friendly Cullens and credits the author for his inspiration.
"I love the thing in the books that Stephenie [Meyer] wrote about how these vampires are all – well, the Cullen family – really beautiful, and that’s what lures people into their web," Sheen admits. "And yet, Aro is not like that. She describes Aro as being not the same sort of thing. I like the idea that it’s his voice that lulls people in or his sort of demeanor rather than the way he looks, because he looks quite weird and scary. But yes, I’ve tried to go down that route [to]make him very mesmerizing to people, that his voice is gentle and soft. And yet, there’s something kind of unhinged about him."
On this day, Sheen is in the middle of a dramatic scene where he meets Bella (Kristen Stewart) for the first time. He says Stephenie told him she loved writing this moment in the book and he's personally read the passage over and over again because of the detail she provides about Aro within it.
"She describes his voice as being quite feathery – that’s what gave me the idea of making it very soft, and light. I think she describes it as being like a sigh, his voice," Sheen says. "And that he’s a bit like a concerned grandfather at times, with Edward. I like the idea of him being, even though he’s this kind of deadly, really dangerous character, there’s something quite sentimental about him, quite soft, and yet the next moment he could eat you."
Sheen is no stranger to genre pictures having made some nice bank appearing in all three "Underworld" pictures, but not as a vampire, but as a, ahem, werewolf (Lycan, whatever).
"It’s nice – now I can, you know, bring out the other side of me. The vampiric side, rather than the werewolf side. I feel a bit like a traitor, that I’ve swapped sides," Sheen jokes. "No, it’s nice. I’m glad. The vampires get to wear much cooler clothes, in 'Underworld' and in this, so now I get to have a nice bit of tailoring instead of, you know, raggedy leather. The best thing about playing a werewolf is, you don’t have to worry about getting dirty; if it’s lunchtime, I can have a lie down and it doesn’t matter, because you know, I’m supposed to look rough. But as for this, I’m supposed to look perfectly tailored and groomed and clean all the time, so I can’t sit down or do anything, because I’ve got all this white make-up on. I’m wearing black clothes. So, I’ve got to be really careful that I don’t get covered in stuff."
And with that, it was time to start shooting again and Sheen was whisked back to the set.
"The Twilight Saga: New Moon" opens nationwide on Nov. 20.
A Totally Cool Chit-Chat With Jamie Campbell Bower
Your character, Caius, wants Bella dead the most. How much of that will we see in the film?
Jamie Campbell Bower: As in the book, the Volturri play a small but necessary part in this film. They come much more into play in the fourth film. I’m playing Caius very angry and agitated with the world, I suppose. Just glaring looks. You’ll see as much as you read in the books.
Do you think Caius is agitated because he’s the only vampire of the three who doesn’t have a power?
JCB: He doesn’t have a power! He’s just pissed off about that! He’s so angry! He doesn’t like Bella because he can’t eat her. He’s not happy about that. Why is she there if he can’t eat her? What’s the point?
What power would you give him, if you could?
JCB: I’d give him the power of love.
Doesn’t Caius have a wife?
JCB: He does have a wife, yeah, but she doesn’t seem to be around. I don’t know where she is.
What went into your research? Did you read the books? Did you get to talk Stephenie?
JCB: I haven’t had a long discussion with Stephenie. My plan is to have a long discussion with her at some point today. Maybe it won’t be a long discussion, maybe it will be like five minutes.
Yeah, I read the books and I did a lot of online research, because it’s good to know what people who’ve read the books think about the characters as well. Because the books alone have such a huge fan base. You’ve got to stay true to what people want to see, I think. So I did that and talked to lots of people. And my friends gave me their ideas as well.
Did they make you audition for the role?
JCB: They did! They did make me audition. Disgraceful, isn’t it. Shocking!
Did you read the books before you auditioned?
JCB: No, I didn’t read the books before I auditioned, no. I went off the sides. Once I got the role, I obviously read the books. My 15-year-old brother kind of sat me down and insisted. I went back to my mum, and she was like, "You’re going to read this, and you’re going to read it now!’ I was like, "OK, that’s cool."
What went into your audition? Was there more than one?
JCB: It was one day. I originally auditioned for the role of Demetri. I went in, did a taping. Chris wasn’t there. Then they called me back at like 2:00. Chris turned up; I met Chris. A week later I get a call like, "So, you’re not going to get Demetri, but we’re going to offer you Caius." I was like, "That’s cool!" I’m just psyched to be a part of it. It’s awesome.
Are you going to Italy?
JCB: I’m not going to Italy. No, I have to go back to London to go and do Harry Potter, which’ll be nice. I’m playing Grindelwald, Dumbledore’s old friend, possible lover, who knows.
Do you know?
JCB: It’s not in the script -- hardcore love scenes -- but that’s the rumor anyways. I don’t know who’s playing the young Dumbledore. I’ve only gone in for my fittings and stuff.
Did anything in Sweeney Todd prepare you for this?
JCB: I don’t think so because my role in Sweeney, he was kind of soppy. And he was nice; effectively, he was a nice guy. And Caius is, I don’t want to say not nice, but he’s a little bit more brooding and dark.
Swooning British-Accented Banter With Charlie Bewley
New Moon is your first screen credit. Can you tell us how you got the role?
Charlie Bewley: How I got involved in Twilight is that I just auditioned. And you know what? I went on to, and I asked them about my character … for the first audition stage. They gave me some insight into who he was and everything, I read the book really quickly to find out about the character, and I just realized that a lot of him is about me.
He’s this tracker. He obviously does a lot of running, and I do loads of running, so I just worked out of it. It was very easy for me to play the character, as opposed to building the character from the bottom up … it’s a lot easier when you’re acting, to do that. So I just made the character myself, and when I got called back for the second audition, it was in front of Chris [Weitz] and it was in front of Wyck [Godfrey], and I was just myself. [Laughs] I was just, you know, charming and smiles and everything. I wasn’t typically vampiric, in that sense. And I think Chris liked it; he started laughing.
In Stephenie Meyer’s book, Demetri is described as polite …
CB: Very polite, yeah. And I’m just a nice English guy. I’ve had my trouble, and it’s gone. I’m just a nice guy who doesn’t want any trouble. [Laughs] I think Demetri is someone who ... seeks out trouble and adventure. He’s getting very bored, having been alive for thousands of years. I think he’s interested in trouble -- nonspecific -- or adventure -- nonspecific -- or any kind of action. I think being a vampire, or being alive for 3000 years, just makes you very bored. Look at Marcus’ character; he’s very apathetic, and he just sat there … he just wants to die.
Do you actually know Demetri’s backstory, based on what’s in the book?
CB: I made it up.
Tell us!
CB: Demetri was obviously Italian. And at a young age, he was orphaned. He was living in the foothills of Mt. Vesuvius -- the big, volcanic mountain -- and in 900 A.D., it erupts. Lava starts pouring down, and his parents get caught in it. Their house gets taken apart. I outrun the lava, into the foothills, where I found a place where I was safe, essentially. But I couldn’t provide for myself, so I was thrown into slavery. I went through various masters but they couldn’t pin me down, because I was so nonchalant and arrogant and just ran away from everyone; it was really frustrating. I kept getting sold on to the next guy -- the next master, for the best price they could get -- and I was too nice for someone just to kill me.
So eventually I got sold to a merchant trader in Rome, who dealt specifically in fighters, and I found myself in front of the Coliseum with these baying, bloodthirsty Romans, desperate for gladiatorial combat. I didn’t have any fighting skills, so I just ran around for three hours and no one could catch me -- until somebody shot me with an arrow. I was lying on the floor, I was about to die, I was waiting for Commodus’ verdict of thumbs up or thumbs down, and he’s about to give it a down when Aro comes in and whispers in his ear and says, “Don’t kill him, I’ll take him.” Aro converts me in the depths of the Coliseum himself, and I’ve been working loyally for him ever since.
Did you think of sharing this with Stephenie?
CB: [Glances at Stephenie nearby] Oh, yes, Stephenie’s there! I actually asked Stephenie …
Are you going with the crew to Italy?
CB: Yeah, we leave on the 24th. I can’t wait.
How many weeks will you be there?
CB: Just five days, I think.
For those who haven’t read the books, does your character come back?
CB: He does. I recur until right at the end, when I get killed off.
What power would you give Demetri if you could give him another power?
CB: That’s a good question. [Pauses to think] I think he’s a little bit pissed off that Jane has taken over the head of the Volturi; he hates that. Ergo, I think he would take a psychological power …
2:15PM Charlie has to go back to set, but he promises me that he’ll figure out the power he’d give Demetri and report back when he decides.
2:30PM Mr. Bewley motions me over as we watch filming. Seems he really has been pondering the question. Love it.
In an English-accented whisper, Charlie reveals that he’d give Demetri: “the power to change people’s minds.”
“For example," he says, "in the scene where Demetri is first introduced to the fray, Edward refuses to come with Bella. He says, "Bella, you go off and enjoy the festival. I’ll go with Demetri and Felix." If Demetri had the power to switch Edward’s mind and change his mind, he wouldn’t need Jane to come in and clear up the air, how slow they’re being. Jane’s brutally efficient because she’s so dangerous. This is why she’s head guard, and I hate that, as Demetri, because I used to be God. So that’s what I’d do.”
charlie bewley,
jamie campbell bower,
michael sheen
unconfirmed by summit, but apparently this kid, xavier samuel, should be playing riley in eclipse! rachelle lefevre even tweeted about it...
omeomy: wow they're already casting for Eclipse....wonder if they need an Asian vampire...hmm.. read more...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Exclusive: 'The Twilight Saga: New Moon' Director Chris Weitz reveals all
When HitFix, along with a few other outlets, had the opportunity to visit the set for the highly-anticipated "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" this past may, one important crew member we didn't have the chance to talk to was the director, Chris Weitz.
Having spoken with the always kind and professional Weitz about his previous film "The Golden Compass" and having worked with him way back when on the online campaign for "Down to Earth," I knew he was seriously busy if he couldn't stop to chat. And considering how frantic the shooting schedule for "New Moon" was, we took the production at their word that he'd speak to us down the road. This week, that promise came to fruition and Weitz was relaxed and open as he took a break from editing the "Twilight" sequel. The entire transcript of the interview is below, but here are some newsworthy items he revealed.
*Even Weitz was surprised with how quickly Phil Tippet's company turned around the Jacob wolf shot at the end of the first teaser trailer. The shot has gone through numerous iterations and is much more photorealistic than that version.
*He'll be submitting a director's cut of the film to Summit within the next two weeks.
*Alexandre Desplat is currently working on the movie's score. It may include hints at Carter Burwell's original "Twilight" theme, but will sound different.
*Thom Yorke and Kings of Leon are interested in contributing to the film's soundtrack.
*A couple of new scenes from the film will be shown during the "New Moon" Comic-Con panel on Friday, July 23.
*The movie within a movie, "Facepunch," will only be heard -- not seen.
*Shooting in Italy with all of the fans that trekked across Europe to see the production was like Beatlemania.
*His vision of the Volturi is very much like the book and unlike a number of fan inspirations that have hit the web. He also sees them as having gone slightly insane after living for 2,000 years.
*He's met with David Slade and expects the filmmaker's vision for "Eclipse" to be different than what he's doing with "New Moon," but with the same actors and visual effects team.
*He's flattered that fans want him to direct "Breaking Dawn" without seeing "New Moon," but thinks the fans will want Slade to do it by the time "Eclipse" comes out.
*Weitz needs to turn the film in by Oct. 30 to strike prints or if not, they are in "big trouble" to make the release date.
Look for Day One of HitFix's journey to "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" set tomorrow and Day Two on Saturday. Additional interviews with cast members will also be posted tomorrow morning.
Thank you for being interested or pretending to be at least.
Q: The day we were on set you shooting in the headquarters of the Italian vampires.
Yes, that's a gigantic sets.
Q: Just so you know, I purposely don't read the books because I want to enjoy the franchise as a moviegoer...
Many people purposely don't read the books. They are called men. (Laughs.)
Q: Can you talk about that then? What was your interest in coming on board a franchise that predominately been more popular with women then men?
Actually, in that regard my brother and I often end up doing movies whose audiences are predominantly women or tipping point of success relies on a female audience. Even 'American Pie.' I think the thing that distinguishes it more than the gross-out humor, because there is a lot of that going on. The way we tooled it was so that girls could be interested in it as well. And, in as much as the 'Twilight' series has a great appeal to women, I think it really concentrates on the emotions of the central character and romance and I think that unfortunately that the studio system has not been very good at getting boys to be interested in. They think and maybe incorrectly, that the male gender is interested in just thing blowing up. And I don't think that's true. I certainly didn't make this movie towards only girls or women being interested in seeing it. There is a lot for diverse audiences including older audiences than the first one drew. Really, we are drawn to the cast. I thought the central cast were great and I wanted to work with them and it also employed some skills that I picked up along the way including working with special effects and working with younger actors and working on emotionally structured stories.
Q: 'Twilight' is very emotional at its core, but it also has a lot of CG elements. Would you say you are in a comfort zone? Is this familiar ground?
Right, I'm never really in a comfort zone making a movie which is a discomfort zone, because you're always working under pressured circumstances, because you don't have an unlimited amount of time or money to do these things. There were a number of things I was familiar with -- familiar enough so that I could do what I think is really important which is not to foreground the special effects for the action elements, but to make those kind of settle into the story. You never really want someone to watch a movie and go, 'Wow, those were great special effects.' You hope they won't notice the majority of what you are doing. Obviously, people are going to notice horse-sized wolves and realize on some level they are special effects, but they are photorealistic and they should be as expressive as a good actor if possible. So, in terms of kind of wrangling that sort of process it is something I am used to.
Q: In terms of the effects, I think everyone on this call was probably stunned after we'd been on set and we'd talked to the producer and he was like 'We're still working on some of the designs for the wolfpack' and I think it was like two or three weeks later we saw the first trailer and that great shot at the end. Have you ever worked in such a quick process from beginning to end?
It is. I myself was surprised Phil Tippet's company was able to turn out that wolf shot and I think they kind of did that as a matter of institutional pride that they could. Even that shot that was in the trailer has gone through 20-30 iterations since then, but they have done a really extraordinary job and Phil Tippet is a complete genius. He's responsible for the walkers in 'Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back' and he's kind of one of the legends of the visual effects community and it pretty amazing what they have been able to do on such short notice. We are working at kind of breakneck speed at the same time as trying to achieve something really quite elegant as well. It's not just Tippet, it's Frantic/CBS (LOOK UP) which is headed up by Mike Fink who is my old friend who was the visual effects supervisor on 'Golden Compass' which won the Oscar the year it came out. So, yeah, working very fast, but we're also trying to work as beautifully as possible to make these effect kind of settle into the amazing cinematography that Javier Aguirresarobe brought us. We are kind of moving at light speed,but trying to deliver something that's really elegant and beautiful.
Q: Just to follow that up, can you tell us how far along you are to completion right now?
I am about two weeks away from showing the director's cut to the studio. I've got some wolves with fur. Some wolves are still invisible basically and some wolves are like -- you've all probably seen the claymation versions. We are still in the light RD phases of what Edward looks like when he's hit -- what the vampires look like when he's hit with light and the diamond effect. Also, the kind of hallucinatory effect Bella has when she hears Edward's voice and she imagines him there. And then we are Alexandre Desplat has just started working on his music for the film. And we are just starting to put together what acts will be on the soundtrack, so it's kind of like keeping ten plates spinning at once, but it's all good because we've got Alexander Desplat who I think is one of the greatest film composers living and because of the kind of the strength of the franchise that I inherited, a lot of bands are really interested in working on the soundtrack and we got visual effects people. And that just leaves me hopefully not dropping the ball in terms of editing together the story.
Q: Sounds like a lot.
It is a lot, and with Comic-Con on the 24th were we are going to show a couple of scenes to whoever can get in that auditorium. And yeah, it's a lot to be getting on with, but it's fun at the same time.
Q: In regards to the music, will Alexander Desplat be using Carter Burwell's theme at all?
I think, y'know, yes, because like any franchise there are certain themes that become familiar. I suspect he's going to transpose it in some manner and most of the music will be entirely new to the franchise, because his style is somewhat different from Carter Burwell's, but I think there is some value to having a familiar -- I believe the words are 'light motifs' -- running through the entire series.
Q: Really quickly on the music. The first movie probably made Paramore as a band. Were you surprised by the number of acts wanting to be on the sequel and have you had to turn anybody down?
Well, fortunately I'm not at the stage where I have to turn anybody down yet, because everything is still kind of up in the air, but I am surprised by some of the bands that have said they are interested. It's kind of great. The criteria will still be what's right for the movie at that given moment, but y'know, Thom Yorke is interested. We might, if we're very lucky, get Kings of Leon to do something. So, it's exciting to have access to this kind of talent.
Q: Can you talk about the mini-movie 'Facepunch' that plays on the three-way date?
Yeah, well, actually nobody is starring in that. The funny thing is I had to come up wit h the name of the movie, within the movie. In the first one I think was named in the book -- I think it's 'Crossfire' -- or 'Crosshairs' or something like that couldn't be cleared because it had already been used. And you'd be shocked at the number of stupid action movie names that have been turned into movies. So, I eventually turned in a list of ten to Summit's lawyers and they had to see which ones they could go and clear. "Facepunch" was actually one of two of ten they cleared. And I chose that over "Kill Hunt." I can actually go and make 'Kill Hunt'.' And it was always the joke between me and my brother that there should be a movie called 'Facepunch' which is just about people punching each other in the face. It's kind of a movie within the movie. It's the least romantic thing Bella can go to because her friend essentially asks her on a date and she wants nothing romantic to happen at all.
Q: Did Stephanie give you any thoughts on that?
Well, she gave me a T-shirt with the 'Facepunch' logo on it. She's kind of a fan of popular culture as well or the absurdity of popular culture, so I think she was kind of tickled by the name of the movie.
Q: Will it be on the DVD?
The movie itself? (Laughs.) Sadly, there is no 'Facepunch' although maybe that's something the fans should be left to make. You'll hear the sounds of 'Facepunch' which will be a lot of people being shot and hacking each other to bits. In a way there are a few other imaginary movies that are referred to within this movie in the way that is satirizes other genre films in a very brief and lighthearted way. And this is the example of the stupidest possible action movie imaginable.
Q: Chris, there is a Rotten Tomatoes mention in the book for this scene. Do you know if it stayed in the movie?
I'm afraid it didn't. I don't think the reason would be because of Rotten Tomatoes, but Summit Entertainment got in trouble for using some cards from a casino in the first movie and they are very careful about not quoting any existing property. Probably if we had bothered to go and ask you guys would have said, 'Yeah, that's really cool.' And some lawyer would have said, 'Oh, it doesn't matter' and all that sort of stuff. So, I'm afraid not. It might have been because of the Tomatometer response to 'Golden Compass' as well. (Laughs.) It lowered my overall Tomatometer score.
Q: Was there a lot of pressure in taking on a project that's become a huge cultural phenomenon?
Yeah, definitely there is. It's largely self-imposed because the fans are tremendously supportive and very kind. One of the things thats interesting about the 'Twilight' fans is that they are not like fans boys who start cynical. They actually begin from the point-of-view of being enthusiastic and wanting things to be good and done well. I do feel a tremendous amount of responsibility to the readership than to the movie franchise in a way, because I think that's the core experience you are trying to get at. Someone reading the books for the first time, but just galloping through it for the first time when one reads books when you're younger and you are completely absorbed in it. To try and provide an experience that kind of compliments that. That means keeping in very good touch with Stephanie without trying to second guess ones self. Thinking about things to a degree of loyalty to the fans.
Q: What was your favorite scene to shoot?
There were a lot of fun scenes to film frankly. I really did enjoy the sequence in the Volturi headquarters, although it's a tremendous logistical headache. In a way, it's the scenes that you dread the most because they are so time consuming and you have to get it just right which is like the stuff in the Volturi headquarters, that has to be my favorite sequence because it is kind of the high point of the movie when Bella goes to try and stop Edward from killing himself. We had 1,000 extras in this medieval town square in this little town in Tuscany in the most beautiful country on earth and it's just an extraordinary opportunity to work there. It was also kind of surreal, because every 'Twilight' fan could make it from all over continental Europe and even further and had gotten by hook or by crook to Montepulciano, [Italy] and booked a hotel room. Sometimes in the very hotel room in which the cast and crew were staying. So, there was this weird Beatlemania thing sort of going on in this very small, beautiful hill town. So, for five days it was this bizarre festival atmosphere. And it really wasn't bothersome at all. It was incredible gratifying that all these people would applaud after every take whether or not we'd screwed it up. They had no idea because they weren't close enough to hear. If you looked down any alley in which the camera wasn't pointing you'd see hundreds of these young girls who had come to touch a piece of what they really loved.
Q: Can you talk about what it was like to work with the cast after they'd already played these parts before?
Well I always go into any movie that a competent actor is going to know about as much or more about what their character is about than I will even if it isn't a franchise, because that's their job. But that's especially the case when they have already played these characters falling in love. They have kind of lived with the characters and the franchise for quite awhile. I'm mean you'd have to ask the actors if what I say is true, but my first job is to talk to them and listen to them about what they thought about the script and what they thought their characters would be up to. And to kind of work along with them. Obviously, it was going to be a different experience for them. It was going to be a different kind of movie, because in a way I'm a lot more old fashioned than Catherine Hardwicke in terms of my film tastes and in terms of the way the film was going to turn out. So, it was sort of just a balancing act between respecting everything they brought to the table and the characters and what they did and what I thought I could bring. Also, it was kind of great to be with Taylor as he went from a character that had three small scenes in the first movie and only worked three days on the first movie or something to one of the dominant characters in the movie. That was a really fun process because he's a really great guy. Actually, all of the kids as I like to call them because I'm 39 and that sort of makes me twice their age were fun to work with and clever and smart and thoughtful about it.
Q: Can you tell us about the proposal scene at the end of the book? Fans are worried that it's either been altered or cut out of the film. Can you address those concerns?
They haven't been cut out. I can tell you that much. It's not going to hit them the exact way they think it's going to, but I will say -- how can I put it? It's going to be quite special. I could have saved all of my gusto for that moment. I don't think it will disappoint.
Q: Can you tell us about your vision for the Volturi?
No matter how strange one of the characters is in a work of fantasy, I think you have to approach them as people and then so you start to think, 'Oh they've been around for 2,000 years. How would they interact with one another?' The conclusion was that after 2,000 years you'd probably be more than mildly insane. No matter how cultured or gracious you appear on the surface. And I think that's what Michael Sheen managed to portray in portraying Aro, the head of the Volturi, in that on the surface he's terribly gracious, warm, a wonderful host and at the same time he's absolutely lethal and frightening. It's also what Dakota [Fanning] conveys as Jane. She's sort of this in appearance innocent looking, harmless looking almost teenager, but she's absolutely deadly. The first thing I wanted to do was put them in a setting that wasn't Dracula's castle. I feel like that's been done. There have been so many vampire movies and werewolf movies and horror movies where everything has been dark and dreary and everything is blue or green or something like that. Instead, their headquarters is surprisingly light and crisp. And the characters that they play have a kind of a tactile reality to them in spite of how bizarre their situation is really. The whole point is not to leave kind of Forks, Washington where everything has really been quite realistic and then suddenly go to a location that completely throws you out of the movie. So, that's the difficult balance to achieve. And the set although it's huge and grand and magnificent actually kind of feels like a real place. One always has the option in these kind of situations of shooting everything in green screen and adding everything later. I've done that before, but in this case it felt really important to actually build something that surrounded the characters that they could interact with and had a real sense of existing in a real space.
Q: There is a lot of fan speculation about what the Volturi will actually look like and from what I've read or seen from photoshop manipulations people have done, they are really off the mark. Curious, will we see the Volturi in any of the upcoming trailer or publicity stills or is that secret until the movie comes out?
I think there will be some publicity stills about them coming out eventually and I'm not sure whether they will be in the trailers or not. I think essentially our aim was to make them look like what they look like in the book and not to be too fancy. I think that y'know it was very important to [Stephanie] that the werewolves transform very quickly, they look like wolves and we not have this kind of magical Lon Chaney-esque long transformations and I think the reason behind that is to give a sense of their reality. I think that was important to the Volturi as well. They are not levitating off the ground, they are not surrounded by mystical auroras, they are creatures that actually exist and they are very specific. They are very stylish, they are very elegant, they are very dangerous, but essentially it's very faithful to the book.
Q: Would you talk about these rumors or fan speculation or hopes that you might come back to direct 'Breaking Dawn'? And is there any carryover between 'New Moon,' 'Eclipse' and 'Breaking Dawn' in terms of planning?
Let me see, I think it's really charming that having not seen 'New Moon' people would be enthusiastic about me wanting to do 'Breaking Dawn.' That's really -- y'know I think the proof is in the pudding and they should see it before they decide there is anything else they want me to do. But I would hope to earn that kind of rumor. We haven't really spoken with Summit about that. All I knew is that I would be too tired to do 'Eclipse' and that somebody else take it over as well so that they could put their own imprint on it. Also, the way the films are being shot would have precluded it anyway. In terms of the planning. David Slade came in while we were still shooting 'New Moon' and I showed him everything I could to sort of give him a sense of what direction we were going. He is going to take it into whatever way he wants to, because he's his own guy and will have his own style and particular take on things. But, just as I was inheriting certain things from Catherine Hardwicke, he's going to inherit certain things from me and make the choice whether he's going to keep them or alter them. So, we have had discussions about -- Tippet is going to do the wolves for 'Eclipse' so there is a continuity for the look of the werewolves and obviously the cast is going to remain the same. Dakota is Jane and all the Volturi are the same people who you are familiar with, but other than that it's sort of David Slade's show to run on 'Eclipse' and by the time that comes out they will probably want him to do 'Breaking Dawn,' not me. I would certainly consider it, but it's funny. I find all my time avoiding the internet, because I end up getting into arguments with 15-year-olds in Germany and I have to concentrate on making the movie, so I don't even know the positive rumors out there. I don't know the negative rumors, I don't know the positive rumors. I"m just trying to do the best job I can, but it's really sweet that people would like me to do that. I think that's very cool.
Q: Do you think 'Breaking Dawn' would be very doable?
No, it a tough one. I mean, yes it's doable. Anything is doable, but it's a hard one, because the series gets more and more ambitious as it goes along. Yes, it's doable. Anything is doable.
Q: Chris, real quick, what's your drop dead due date that you have to turn the film in to make the release date?
Ironically, I think it's the day before Halloween. I believe Oct. 30 is our drop dead date. It's our time to start striking the prints or we're in big trouble.
"The Twilight Saga: New Moon" opens nationwide on Nov. 20.
ash ash
from gossip girls:
Heading out to hit up the talk show circuit, Ashley Greene was spotted making her way around New York City on Thursday (July 16).cuuuuute!
The “Twilight” cutie looked to be in high spirits, smiling it up for the paparazzi as she visited “It’s On With Alexa Chung” at MTV studios.
last day of summer
source: twifans
Exclusive photo of Nikki from her upcoming movie called Last Day of that where she's been? read more...
This unpredictable story follows an agitated fast-food employee, Joe, who’s reached his breaking point from being harassed and tormented by his boss. Finally on the last day of summer, Joe snaps and decides to take revenge on his boss but his plans are disrupted when a quick glance from a beautiful girl catches his attention leading him to kidnapping her instead, changing both their lives forever.
popcorn n roses
popcorn n roses has released their top rising stars of 2009. the list includes: kristen stewart, michael welch, ashely greene, and taylor lautner!
see the descriptions after the jump...
It was only a matter of time, and we knew it. My #1 female rising star this year has been on our radar for about five years now, with great performances in the TV movie Speak and the PNR favorite Fierce People. But when she signed on to play Bella Swan in The Twilight Saga, she had to know that her life was about to change forever. Now, her star is going supernova, with roles in the hit comedy Adventureland, the upcoming biopic The Runaways, where she plays rocker Joan Jett, and of course the next two films in the Twilight series, New Moon and Eclipse. Now that's she's really on EVERYBODY'S radar, there's no holding her back...
Given his extensive resume and his track record, I think Welch is about to explode. He's been around since the age of 10, when he co-starred in Star Trek: Insurrection, a role I'm completely embarrassed to say I didn't even realize was him until last week (duh!). But this year's #1 male rising star has everything going for him and should break wide open in the next year or so. Best known for his role as funny and friendly high school jock Mike Newton in The Twilight Saga, Michael is also around in a number of indie films, including the much troubled and yet to be seen film All The Boys Love Mandy Lane, the LA Film Festival hit Remember The Daze, Sundance favorite An American Crime, SXSW monster hit My Suicide, and in two ohter forthcoming films, Lost Dream and Unrequited. He's not only one of the best young actors around, he's also one of the busiest...
As Alice Cullen, the beautiful vampire with the clairvoyant visions in The Twilight Saga, Ashley launched herself into the hearts and minds of fans of the book series around the world. Now she's poised to show off what she can really do in diverse roles in the upcoming films Skateland, Summer, and Warrior, and then will return to Forks as Alice in The Twilight Saga's second installment New Moon. We think it's only a matter of time before she is really a household name...
Taylor got his first big break as Shark Boy in the film The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl a few years ago. But like everyone else associated with The Twilight Saga, Taylor's star is brighter than ever. As Jacob Black, the werewolf with the crush on Bella Swan, Taylor is really turning heads, and his role is much bigger in the next installment, New Moon. He also had a featured role as Christian Slater's son in the short lived TV series My Own Worst Enemy, which is now out on DVD.
ashley greene,
Kristen Stewart,
mike welch,
Taylor Lautner
best kiss?
source: solyane1
kristen stewart and robert pattison won best kiss award at the mtv! and rob said that kristen was his first on screen kiss with a girl, but kristen can't say the same thing because she kissed jamie bell, blake lively's brother (I don't remenber his name), anton yelchin, adam brody, aaron stanford, ryan reynolds and jesse eisenberg before robert.kristen's next on screen kiss? or rather kisses? 3 GIRLS! full story after the jump!
so which kiss is the best?
music: comme des enfants by coeur de pirate
Kristen Stewart has been lucky enough to make out with her hunky Twilight costar Robert Pattinson — and now she’s going to start kissing girls!
For a movie, obviously.
The actress will apparently lock lips with not one but three lovely ladies in her new movie, The Runaways, in which she plays legendary rocker Joan Jett.
“I’m sure Kristen’s fans will be shocked,” a source told the National Enquirer.
The 19-year-old gets intimate with Dakota Fanning, Alessandra Torresani and Stella Maeve.
“Kristen and Dakota have to pretend to be in love,” the source added.
Stewart and Fanning struck up a friendship while filming Twilight sequel New Moon earlier this year. “Kristen and Dakota are already comfortable with each other,” the source explained, ” but this is new territory for them.”
The Runaways is expected to hit movie theaters in 2010. read more...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
dangerous in oc
from the examiner:
You’re kicking off your Dangerous Summer Tour on the 26th in NYC and this tour is infinitely larger than your US tour in April. How are you feeling? Excited? Nervous?
I just want to get out there to be perfectly honest. I’m feeling a lot of different emotions rolled into one at the moment. I think it’s going to be hard work but I’m looking forward to pushing myself and playing my songs and seeing new things.
What are you looking forward to most about this tour? Any particular cities/venues you’re looking forward to most?
I’m actually looking forward to being on the road and traveling around. It’s more the in-between places that I’m looking forward to. It’s nice constantly being on the move and it means you never let yourself switch off and you take in a lot more. Oh and Chicago (thanks Bobby!).
You’ll be in Chicago on August 31st, at the Double Door. Have you ever been to Chicago before? (Purchase your tickets for Bobby's show here!)
No I’ve never been. On my street when I was a kid there was a guy my age (about 9) who was called Chicago Chris cos he always would wear his Chicago bulls shirt with Pippin on the back everyday of the year and, he didn’t even like basketball. Maybe I could catch a game or something.
If you had more time in the city while visiting, is there anything in particular you’d like to see/do?
I would just like to hang out in some cool cafes or maybe see some buildings or something. Whatever the cool kids do. Ha (Bobby, you should check out Navy Pier, Millennium Park, or the new Sears Tower Ledge!)
Do you have a favorite song to perform on tour?
It changes everyday. I like playing "The Borough Mill" and "Dancers Dance into the Night" at the moment but I’m quite fickle and tomorrow it will be something different.
Besides actually performing, what is the best thing about touring?
Playing a live show every-night in a different place and to different people. It kinda feels like your going to war in a way except you don’t get shot at and it’s slightly more relaxed. Its just good traveling around and you meet a lot of different people.
You’ve recently posted several new songs on your YouTube account; will those be made available at any point? Is there any significance to pointing the camera to the side of you?
I really don’t like those videos when the singer looks straight into the camera. The reason I did those was my recorder had broken and I really wanted to get those songs out and away from me killing myself re-adapting them. It’s just part of the process of my writing. I almost have to throw them out there to realize if they’re good and if they’re mine. I have changed them since then though but because I wanted to not because they were bouncing of the walls. I’m looking forward to playing them on tour and I may re-cord them in October with a band in a studio.
At the end of this month, after performing at TwiCon, you’re performing with your friends Marcus Foster and Sam Bradley. Are you looking forward to that? Have you three ever performed together?
Yes I’m sure its gonna be a lot of fun. We’ve never performed together at the same show either. I’m not sure well play together but its gonna be good seeing Sam, I’m living with Marcus at the moment but Sam is based in Canada and we both miss him.
Well shortly the three musicians will be reunited, so no worries. Thank you Bobby, for taking time out of preparing for your tour to chat with me! America (and especially Chicago) is eagerly awaiting your return!
For more info: Check out Bobby Long's MySpace or purchase his music on iTunes. If you're interested in Bobby Long, Sam Bradley, and Marcus Foster, make sure you check out The Land of Dreamers!
24th NYC
27th LA HOTEL CAFE BOOKED with Flipron
28th LA HOTEL CAFE BOOKED with Flipron
29th SAN DIEGO UCSD THE LOFT with Flipron
31st MEMPHIS with Flipron Neil's Music Room, Memphis
1st NASHVILLE with Flipron
26th RENO
28th LA
30th LA
16th NYC
17th NYC
18th NYC
A Short Chat with Bobby Longfull interview and a list of all the tour dates from the examiner after the break!
Several weeks ago, I introduced you to the talented British musician Bobby Long. Long is just a week and a half shy of launching his 80-date Dangerous Summer Tour and he was kind enough to engage in a little e-mail chat with me. Read on to find out what Bobby’s looking forward to on this tour, his visit to the Windy City, and those mysterious YouTube videos that are (sadly) missing his face!
You’re kicking off your Dangerous Summer Tour on the 26th in NYC and this tour is infinitely larger than your US tour in April. How are you feeling? Excited? Nervous?
I just want to get out there to be perfectly honest. I’m feeling a lot of different emotions rolled into one at the moment. I think it’s going to be hard work but I’m looking forward to pushing myself and playing my songs and seeing new things.
What are you looking forward to most about this tour? Any particular cities/venues you’re looking forward to most?
I’m actually looking forward to being on the road and traveling around. It’s more the in-between places that I’m looking forward to. It’s nice constantly being on the move and it means you never let yourself switch off and you take in a lot more. Oh and Chicago (thanks Bobby!).
You’ll be in Chicago on August 31st, at the Double Door. Have you ever been to Chicago before? (Purchase your tickets for Bobby's show here!)
No I’ve never been. On my street when I was a kid there was a guy my age (about 9) who was called Chicago Chris cos he always would wear his Chicago bulls shirt with Pippin on the back everyday of the year and, he didn’t even like basketball. Maybe I could catch a game or something.
If you had more time in the city while visiting, is there anything in particular you’d like to see/do?
I would just like to hang out in some cool cafes or maybe see some buildings or something. Whatever the cool kids do. Ha (Bobby, you should check out Navy Pier, Millennium Park, or the new Sears Tower Ledge!)
Do you have a favorite song to perform on tour?
It changes everyday. I like playing "The Borough Mill" and "Dancers Dance into the Night" at the moment but I’m quite fickle and tomorrow it will be something different.
Besides actually performing, what is the best thing about touring?
Playing a live show every-night in a different place and to different people. It kinda feels like your going to war in a way except you don’t get shot at and it’s slightly more relaxed. Its just good traveling around and you meet a lot of different people.
You’ve recently posted several new songs on your YouTube account; will those be made available at any point? Is there any significance to pointing the camera to the side of you?
I really don’t like those videos when the singer looks straight into the camera. The reason I did those was my recorder had broken and I really wanted to get those songs out and away from me killing myself re-adapting them. It’s just part of the process of my writing. I almost have to throw them out there to realize if they’re good and if they’re mine. I have changed them since then though but because I wanted to not because they were bouncing of the walls. I’m looking forward to playing them on tour and I may re-cord them in October with a band in a studio.
At the end of this month, after performing at TwiCon, you’re performing with your friends Marcus Foster and Sam Bradley. Are you looking forward to that? Have you three ever performed together?
Yes I’m sure its gonna be a lot of fun. We’ve never performed together at the same show either. I’m not sure well play together but its gonna be good seeing Sam, I’m living with Marcus at the moment but Sam is based in Canada and we both miss him.
Well shortly the three musicians will be reunited, so no worries. Thank you Bobby, for taking time out of preparing for your tour to chat with me! America (and especially Chicago) is eagerly awaiting your return!
For more info: Check out Bobby Long's MySpace or purchase his music on iTunes. If you're interested in Bobby Long, Sam Bradley, and Marcus Foster, make sure you check out The Land of Dreamers!
24th NYC
27th LA HOTEL CAFE BOOKED with Flipron
28th LA HOTEL CAFE BOOKED with Flipron
29th SAN DIEGO UCSD THE LOFT with Flipron
31st MEMPHIS with Flipron Neil's Music Room, Memphis
1st NASHVILLE with Flipron
26th RENO
28th LA
30th LA
16th NYC
17th NYC
18th NYC
new video interview with sam bradley who was also spotted hanging with rpattz over the weekend!
source: examiner / rpu
source: examiner / rpu
squeaky clean
unlike the vidoe, from twilightpoison:
According to The Independent, Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning are part of a Hollywood group which stands out for not being reckless and irresponsible, but actually mature, smart and hard working.
Hollywood’s Squeaky Cleans today boast a growing membership including Kristen Stewart, 19, Dakota Fanning, 15, and Camilla Belle, 22.
Well educated, The Squeaky Cleans are smart, clean-living and moral. Career-orientated, they keep themselves busy with wholesome activities while saving themselves for the right person. They refrain from attending every opening of an envelope, instead preferring to do charity work, pray or enjoy a light, alcohol-free, supper with friends. Indeed, young Fanning even recently pledged, before her mother Joy and agent Cindy Osbrink, that she won’t have a teenage pregnancy or get any tattoos or piercings, at least until she turns 18…
These actors all started young, Fanning in I Am Sam at six; Watson debuting in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, aged 11; Belle starring in A Little Princess at nine, and Stewart making her major movie debut as Jodie Foster’s daughter in Panic Room, aged 11, before finding fame as Twilight’s Bella.
Fanning has been dubbed The Million Dollar Baby, and her co-stars already number Tom Cruise, Sean Penn and Robert De Niro. Having grown up in such an adult world, this religious girl feels no peer pressure to drink at parties or otherwise misbehave: “That’s not something I think about right now and hopefully will never have to experience. I know what’s right for me, and I stay on my path.”
Priding herself on good behaviour, she adds: “I don’t think I’m a brat although I realise that most people think that kids in the business are brats. But you don’t have to be a brat to be an actress. I just enjoy it so much that there’s no time to do anything like that. And why would I want to, when I’m enjoying myself? My family and friends keep me grounded. I’m a Southern Baptist, and I grew up in the south, so every Sunday I went to Sunday school and I’ve grown up in a family where that’s really important,” says the actress.
While talking with Kristen Stewart on the set of New Moon last month in Vancouver, she sighed at my suggestion that she might have anything in common with Bella, her tormented screen alter ego: “You wouldn’t believe how boring I am in real life. I don’t have any of the issues that Bella has. If I wake up in a bad mood, I’ll go running or do some kind of physical exertion. If you completely exert yourself, you can, like, clear your mind. I don’t focus on success and I’m not an impulsive person,” she says. “My biggest splurge to date is buying my own home – complete with a studio where my mom can paint.”
graphic novel
it's come to this, from EW:
‘Twilight’ exclusive: Graphic novel version on the way!
For those of you who can’t get enough Edward and Bella, EW can announce — exclusively — that Yen Press will be publishing Twilight in graphic-novel form, publication date still to be determined. Though Korean artist Young Kim is creating the art, Meyer herself is deeply immersed in the project, reviewing every panel.
Take a close look at the biology-class sketch we’ve obtained (that’s an empty dialogue bubble between their heads, if you’re wondering). What’s interesting to me is that it doesn’t look simply like an artist’s rendering of Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson. In fact, the characters seem to be an amalgam of Meyer’s literary imagination and the actors’ actual looks. The description of Edward from biology class: “His dazzling face was friendly; open, a slight smile on his flawless lips. But his eyes were cautious.” And Bella: “I was ivory-skinned …. I had always been slender, but soft somehow, obviously not an athlete…” To me, this graphic-novel Bella seems much closer to me to Meyer’s book than to Stewart’s sultry portrayal. The Edward shown is closer to Pattinson, but not a real duplicate; there’s something very winning in the sketch that I don’t see in Pattinson’s all-too-perfect tousled bronze locks and piercing eyes.
What do you think? If you’d like to see more before weighing in, pick up a copy of EW magazine, which will hit newsstands on Friday, July 17 — it contains finished illustrations of Edward, Bella, and Jacob.
source: tca
muse is performing at the mtv music awards on sept 13th! probs only reason to watch...i still hate that all these kiddies are into muse now cuz of twilight...but whatevs... read more...
model bf
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
first look of jackson as sokka in the last airbender from jackson-rathbone above and an interview with 100 monkeys from starshine below:
100 Monkeys Exclusive Interview
When we were growing up, we thought ten little monkeys could get themselves into enough trouble for all of us…jumping on the bed and whatnot.
But now there’s 100 Monkeys, and they’re just as impulsive and unpredictable. The West Coast band comprised of Jacksone Rathbone (a.k.a. Jasper Hale of the “Twilight” saga), Ben Graupner, Ben Johnson, and Jared Anderson has found success across the country with their unique improv style of music.
Categorized on their MySpace page as a combination of “Japanese classic music, 2-step, psychobilly” which may be good enough or equally perplexing descriptors as any, the 100 Monkeys are currently touring throughout the summer with their debut CD Monster De Lux.
Just listen for the shouted deluge of audience improv suggestions or follow the trail of over-excited, collapsed Twi-hards, and you’ll be sure to find them.
Meanwhile, StarShine caged the jovial, bantering Monkeys (sans Ben J.) for an exclusive interview in which they discuss stage life, Twilight mania, obscure global theorems, and humpback whales.
What’s the origin of the 100 Monkeys?
Jackson: The 100 Monkeys started with Ben G. and I–like 3 years ago–whenever he moved to L.A. We were roommates back in high school. We knew Ben J. back then, and we started the band as a two-man group just doing improv music and trying to get Ben J. out to Los Angeles to make some music with us. Along the way, we happened to meet up with Jared Anderson who we would jam with all the time. Now we all are together in harmony. It’s fantastic.
Ben G: It’s like an MTV reality show.
Would you ever do one of those?
Jackson: No, that would make even more drama out of what little drama there is.
Jared: If it was a Discovery Channel reality show, yes.
Speaking of the Discovery Channel, why did you choose to name the band after “The Hundredth Monkey Effect,” which per your MySpace page, “generally describes the instant, paranormal spreading of an idea or ability to the remainder of a population once a certain portion of that population has heard of the new idea or learned the new ability”?
Jackson: That was one part of it, and [that idea] if you get 100 monkeys in the room with 100 typewriters, eventually they’ll create the works of Shakespeare. (See: Infinite Monkey Theorem) It’s the certain style of music we make and the music we write.
If you came up with your own Monkey Effect, what idea would you like to impart on society?
Ben G: Wow!
Jackson: We’re really trying to get people into the Spencer Bell Memorial. ( It’s a benefit for adrenal cancer research and our friend Spencer Bell, who was our greatest influence in all of our music. He passed away about three years ago, so we’re just working, trying to keep his memory alive and keep his music out to the masses. We were able to raise money to put out one of his albums, and we have 3 more because of the fan support that we’ve been getting. It’s just incredible.
Why have you chosen to use improv in your music?
Jared: I think because we started as actors, most of us, minus Ben J. Improv is part of acting, so we all love doing it. We play well off each other, and we do take straight-up audience suggestions and make up a song on the spot, even all the instrumental parts.
Just then, the sound of piano keys interrupts his thought as the boys chime in, singing and playing notes, “It’s a song that we’re singing for the very first time…” Over just as soon as it started, they jump back on the interview train -
Jackson: See, genius! Where inspiration takes you, it takes you hard. If you take the drummer and the drummer starts playing bass and the singer starts singing backup vocals, you find a whole new bunch of stuff in the music that you might not find if you didn’t allow yourself the freedom to change the lyrics once in a while or completely make up a song.
Jared: It’s called the 100 Monkeys Switcheroo.
Ben G: We increase each other’s talents.
Jackson: We all come from different backgrounds and ways of learning music. It’s really interesting, and it’s really cool to have that diversity ‘cause when it comes together, it creates this union of –
Jared: – magic. A union of magic.
Jackson: Sometimes it sounds awful…but still magic. Sometimes it sounds good. (laughs)
Can everyone play all of the instruments?
Ben G: Not yet, but almost. People have their strengths. Everybody specializes I think in probably two things.
Jackson: We wanna give the audience a show. We love our fans. We love performing, and we feel that when you come to our show, you’re gonna get to hear a song that’s never going to be played live again. People always come up to us at the end of shows requesting other improv songs.
Jared: I actually feel like we owe it to ‘em after a while because they’re like demanding, and I’m like, “I don’t know how!” I’m like, “Let’s just suck it up and learn it!”
Given that three out of the four of you are also actors, do you have a preference between music and acting?
Jackson: I wanna have my cake and eat it too. I wanna do both. I think the way we figure it, it feeds both sides of the creative process.
To feed the elephant in the room, Jackson, can you tease anything about “New Moon” for the yearning “Twilight” fans out there?
Jackson: It’s gonna be raging…action-packed, more steamy romance. You get to see a lot more crazy stuff happening. We went deeper into the world now, and it’s gonna be a fun thrill ride for everyone.
Also, filming recently wrapped in Pennsylvania for M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Last Airbender.” What was that experience like, Jackson?
Jackson: It’s been incredible, a great set. I really believe we’re making a film that’s going to be epic. It’s gonna move people. I think the movie’s gonna turn out beautiful.
The 100 Monkeys have performed with Rob Pattinson in the past. Any chance that’ll be a recurring collaboration?
Jackson: Well, I mean, Rob’s a busy guy…(laughs) We’ve had a few chances to play with him. He’s an awesome musician.
How has “Twilight” mania affected the band’s popularity?
Jackson: It’s definitely gotten us some attention, but I think the main thing is our lives shows. People get to –
Jared: – escape into a fun land. Enjoy good music.
Jackson: Yeah, we like to have a good time. That’s what we’re always trying to do – play music for as many people as possible.
Jared: Hopefully, they come in ready to rock out and have some fun. That’s all you can expect.
Ben G: If you scream loud enough, we’ll make up a song that you decide what it’s called. Things like guitar picks and sweat.
Jackson: We like to give things away a lot on stage.
Jared: Sometimes we bring monkeys and throw them into the crowd.
Jackson: By the way, Ben J. is an adamant whale enthusiast. I know that if he were here, he would want to mention something about preserving the humpback whale in particular. Just figured I’d throw that in there.
One thing’s for certain, you’ll never know what the 100 Monkeys will say…in person…or on stage.
100 monkeys,
jackson rathbone,
the last airbender
this or that
new video of marcus foster above and a fun interview from the examiner below:
This or that:tour dates and the rest of the questions after the break!
Q: Paper or Plastic?
A: Paper.
Q: Kittens or Yarn?
A: Yarn.
Q: Bob Dylan or Eric Clapton?
A: Dylan.
Q: Ukelele or Banjo?
A: Banjo.
Q: Beer or Wine?
A: It depends.
Q:"I Don't Mind" or "Make it Easy"?
A: I don't mind.
Q: Tom Waits or Jeff Buckley?
A: Tom Waits.
Q: Yes or No?
A: Yes.
Q: Fame or Fortune?
A: The work is most important.
Q: Salty or Sweet?
A: I like salty pop corn?
Q: Night or Day?
A: Nay?
Word Association:
Q: “Ladies”
A: Hello.
Q: “Actors”/”Actresses”
A: Ego?
Q: “Inspiration”
A: Art and music.
Q: “Humor”
A: I don't find humor amusing.
Q: “Time”
A: Terrifying.
Q: “Sculpting”
A: Yes.
Q: “Food”
A: Good.
Q: “Music”
A: Yes.
Q: “Pencil”
A: Paper.
Q: “Blue”
A: Joni Mitchel.
Q: “Luck”
A: Buck.
Yes or No:
Q: Marraige in your future?
A: Yes.
Q: Children?
A: Yes.
Q: Australia in your plans?
A: Yew.
Q: Do you paint?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you sing every day?
A: Yes.
Q: Can you drive a car?
A: No.
Q: Are you a Star Trek fan?
A: Not really. I like William Shatner.
Q: Do you like rap/hiphop?
A: The old stuff.
Q: Can you play the piano?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you know the way to San Jose?
A: Yes, it’s up the lane and three doors to your left.
Q: Do you like American accents?
A: Yes.
| The Troubadour | |||
| Supporting ALABAMA 3 @ Brixton JAMM | London | ||
| Twicon Film Event Dallas | DALLAS, Texas | ||
| Poor David’s Pub with Bobby Long | Dallas, Texas | ||
| Room 710 | Austin, Texas | ||
| 3rd and Lindsley Grill NASHVILLE | NASHVILLE, Tennessee | ||
| Hi- Dive Denver | DENVER, Colorado | ||
| The Loft, Colorado Spings | COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado | ||
| Arlene’s Grocery | NEW YORK, New York | ||
| Arlene’s Grocery | NEW YORK, New York |
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