Tuesday, November 10, 2009

the day the music died

source: robsessed via x17

click the sources to see more pictures...

it doesnt PROVE anything...but for you robsteners...this makes for a pretty solid argument...or maybe it was just cold...f'in paris...F france! read more...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

nm photoshoot

source: RPL via LLL

real picture from the new moon photoshoot...

taylor had to stand on a box because hes a couple inches shorter than rob...*snicker*

team edward for life!

NM cast tour

watch the intro at radaronline: here.

*when rob leaves the stage* - sitting here laughing out loud by myself...

and heres the rest of the q&a session from aurora fades:

BIG thanks to aurora fades, who has also posted video from the bands that performed: deathcab, sea wolf, anya marina, and band of skulls. check them out at aurora fades!


behind the scenes

interview with rob:

new moon clips:

behind the scenes:

had to post...too...good...

interview with michael:

interview with kristen:


SM on O

from sm.com:

November 6, 2009

Hi everybody!

I wanted to apprise you all of a few upcoming things.

You know I've been doing the hermit thing this last year, in so far as media is concerned, and I'm not changing that now, but I am making an exception. I'm doing this for a good reason: I am so pleased and amazed and thrilled with what Chris Weitz has done with New Moon that I want to talk about it, and to show my support for him. And since I'm only doing one interview, better make it big. Really big. So....I will be on The Oprah Winfrey Show on Friday, November 13th. Check the local listings on Oprah's website to find out what time it will be on where you live.

Of course, most of the questions for Oprah will be designed for a broader audience than just die-hard Twilight fans, and I imagine people who read this site and other fansites will already know most of the answers. To rectify this, I'm going to answer your more specific questions on-line. The official Twilight Saga website (www.TheTwilightSaga.com) will be taking any New Moon movie-related questions you might have for me, and then I'll answer those most frequently asked. I'll post the answers on the Twilight Saga website and also here on my own site. Questions can be submitted to TheTwilightSaga.com from noon (Eastern Standard Time) on Monday, November 9th through noon Tuesday, November 10th. The answers will be posted Monday, November 16th—or New Moon Premiere Day, as it is known around my house. (Details about submitting the questions will be posted first thing Monday morning at TheTwilightSaga.com, you can also get more information below.)

I'm so very excited that you'll all get to see New Moon in just two weeks! Then you'll see what I'm going on about. Until then, think up some good questions for me.



From TheTwilightSaga.com:

Members of TheTwilightSaga.com* will be able to submit questions starting at noon (EST) on Monday, November 9th through noon (EST) on Tuesday, November 10th. Instructions on where to submit questions will be posted at noon on Monday on TheTwilightSaga.com.

*You will need to be a member of TheTwilightSaga.com to be able to submit a question. Not a member of TheTwilightSaga.com? Joining is quick, free, and you'll become part of the official community of The Twilight SagaTM novels online where you can:

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