have you bought your eclipse movie tickets yet? they went on sale today...buy on fandango or movietickets.com! eclipse will play in imax for only two weeks (june 30 - july 15)...
read a fan experience from seeing the rough cut of the movie (no spoilers) and see an officially released clip from the movie after the break (spoiler)!
source: TA
TA Talks Back: A Fan’s Experience at the Oprah ‘Eclipse’ Screening (No Spoilers)
Posted May 13th, 2010 By: Team Switzerland
Just in time to get you ready for today’s Oprah festivities, we have an edition of TA Talks Back where TAer lovenhaight tells us about her experience going to the rough screening of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse courtesy of the Oprah show! No worries – no spoilers here!
A Fan’s Experience at the Oprah Eclipse Screening
By: Lovenhaight
When I got the call saying that I was invited to Oprah’s Eclipse taping, I thought I would die of happiness. It couldn’t get better that that, right? Oh, how wrong I was.
That’s right. A handful of very, very lucky Twilighters were treated to the early cut of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse on May 4, 2010.
My best friend and I arrived in Chicago on Tuesday morning. She flew in from Texas, while I came in from North Carolina. When she emerged from the jetway, we immediately began the Twilight geek fest. We kept our eyes peeled for any Twi-sightings in O’Hare, but alas, there were none.
Time seemed to crawl after we got to our hotel, but soon enough it was time to hail a cab and head to the theatre.
After receiving wristbands and having our phones and cameras held by security, we were ushered into the theatre. Remember how it sounded at the midnight release of New Moon (you know you were there…), and how the whole room was practically buzzing with excitement? Imagine that times about a hundred.
There were two women sitting to my left who were talking about the Saga. When I heard one say that she’d heard that Bella doesn’t ever become a vampire, I had to lean over and ask…”Have you not read the books?” One of them looked at me and said, “No, have you read them?”. The only response I could come up with through my shock was “Ummm, yes.” They then told me that they’d only watched New Moon on the plane, thinking that it was the first movie of the series.
Maybe my next move was a little rude, but knowing that there were literally thousands of people who would have killed to be in that theatre at that moment, I called them out. “So what exactly are you doing here?” Apparently, they’d gotten taping tickets before the date was designated to be a Twilight show. So for all of you who didn’t get to go, I stood up for you. Twilighters stand together, you know?
One of Oprah’s people came out and announced that this would not be the cut that we’d see in theatres, that there was some sound work and CGI left to be done. I don’t think anyone minded in the least. After all, no one but us will ever see that version of Eclipse.
When the lights went down, the screaming began. There was a false start without any sound, but they backed it up and started again. This time, it was perfect.
So how was it? Well, I won’t divulge any spoilers, but overall people were incredibly happy with it. The fight scenes were amazing, the scenes with the Cullens were amazing…and oh my, did Jackson Rathbone bring it in Jasper’s scenes. Seriously, if you weren’t already Team Jasper, you will be very soon. I think that all of the big things that people want to see will be covered, so no worries there.
I can’t wait to be in the theatre again on June 30th so I can see the evolution of Eclipse, and I look forward to discussing it on TwilightersAnonymous.com. Thanks so much to Twilighters Anonymous for posting the Oprah taping information. I wouldn’t have had this opportunity without you! And for all those who see the contests and think you’ll never win, I’m here to tell you…take the chance. Every now and then, you get lucky.
Some of the gals lucky enough to go to the screening also started a Facebook page to connect with those who also went to the screening, so if you were there make sure you join! Check out the page here.