Saturday, July 11, 2009

100 monkeys

from twilightblog:
NYLON Magazine just had a short interview with Jackson Rathbone which revealed some pretty cool things about this young man. Wearing brown leather cowboy boots with hints yellow paint Jackson created an aura all his own.

In high school Jackson fell in love acting when got a shot at the spotlight instead of helping make the stage for someone else to be in the spotlight. "When I started being onstage, I fell in love with it," Jackson said. Jackson showed enthusiasm and couldn't say enough about his band, 100 Monkeys.
the rest of the article and more pictures of 100 monkeys from twifans, after the jump!

"We call it the Monkey House," he joked. "We all play all the instruments. We call it the Monkey Switcharoo." He also commented on his Twilight cast mates: "Kristen and Rob are both very musically inclined, so we would have jam sessions. It was like the Cullen Family Band."

With the grand piano sitting there in the lobby near the NYLON reporter and Jackson, Jackson couldn't help but play a tune as the grand piano seemed to call out to all that passed. But it was Jackson played an actual song much the delight of all present.

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